This article will introduce many basic words and phrases in Restoration Vulcan Oekufunan-gen (commonly ogen). This dialect is based on Golic Vulcan, but with several logical modifications to make it as efficient and universal as possible. The goal of this dialect is to most effectively support the members of the Diaspora. If you would like to know how to say things that are not covered here, please just ask.
There is no simple, single equivalent word for face to face or voice to voice greetings in Restoration Vulcan that corresponds directly to the FSE “Hello”. The ta’al serves this purpose silently when individuals can see each other. If you say NA’SHAYA (“greeting”) you will be understood but also simultaneously calling yourself out as being overtly non-Vulcan.
The following list presents a breakdown of the most common scenarios for voice to voice greetings (with no ta’al) and face to face meetings after the ta’al.
Formal Scenarios
La’pudor-tor olashan.
LIt. your auspicious arrival is honored here. (Only when guests arrive at a home or formal event.)
Possible response(s):
I’itaren n’odu(lar) na’orom’lashan t’be’hai’la.
Lit. You are now thanked (by me/us) for your honorable welcoming of (a)guest(s).
I’na’shau nash-veh odu(lar).
Lit. I now greet you (where *you* is being intentionally shown respect). The -lar is only added when more than one guest is arriving at the same time.
I’na’shau etek odu(lar).
When the greeting party is a collective of 2 or more.
Possible response(s):
Kaing I’puna’shau kesaing.
Lit. (You) are equally greeted in return.
Polite Scenarios
Na’shau n’odu(lar).
Lit. you are greeted (by me/us)
Possible response(s):
N’odu(lar) kaing.
N’odu(lar) kesaing.
Sanokik nash snagel k’odu.
(Lit: Pleasant this encounter with you.) “It is agreeable to see you.”
Lit. (you) are greeted.
Possible response(s):
N’odu kaing.
N’odu kesaing.
Lit. (I/we) welcome (you) here. (Upon guests’ arrival.)
Possible response(s):
La’ertau sochya t’okelek
(if at a home) Lit. (I/we) disturb the peace of your honorable home.
Sanok-shataya na’ish oragelan
(if at a public venue) Lit. A pleasant conclusion to this honorable meeting.
Sanok-shataya na’ish opavek
(if at a public venue) Lit. A pleasant conclusion to this honorable event (if a party or celebration).
Casual/Familiar Scenarios
Lit. (I/we) greet (you) eagerly. RARELY used in contemporary Vulcan society between Vulcans due to the fact that it expresses emotion that the greeter is very pleased about the meeting. If you are non-Vulcan it is acceptable for you to use this phrase as long as you are sure the listener is non-Vulcan or a Vulcan that has not undergone Kolinahr.
Possible response(s):
Wa’na’shau kaing..
(If from a non-Vulcan)
Paitaren zherka’es. Na’shau.
Lit. Your fervor is appreciated. (I) greet (you) (From a Vulcan)
Rom’lashan na’du
Lit. a welcome to you (Upon friend’ or family members’ arrival)
Possible response(s):
Kunling la’shatau halovaya.
Lit. (My/Our) journey ends happily here.
Intimate (only between mated individuals or the closest of friends)
Possible response(s):
Equally ((I/we greet you) the same.)
In response ((I/we greet you) in return.)
(when a spouse returns home having been terribly missed or endangered while away.)
Possible response(s):
Lit. “too much time”
Lit. (I/We) have returned from very far away.
(when a spouse returns home from a trip or day of work)
Possible response(s):
Lit. Now here. (Common, everyday response.)
Lit. honorable home (if especially glad to be home after a hardship. Usually said by the person arriving to one who is already there.)
The following list presents a breakdown of the most common scenarios for beginning conversations using communications devices.
Without a direct address or contact number:
Formal/Polite Scenarios
La i’shoret veh o______.
LIt. Now hailing here (on this channel) honorable _______ (where _______ is the name of the person being contacted and the caller is not identifying himself/herself).
La i’shoret (A)______ o______(B).
LIt. (A) is now hailing here (on this channel) honorable (B)_______.
Possible response(s):
I’zhu-tor veh. or I’nazhu-tor veh.
Lit. One is hearing. / One is listening.
Sanu — shasutan-tor ovu.
Please identify yourself.
Sauyaing ein-lafosh. Ri la’pufai-tor n’ish-veh.
There seems to be some error. The one you are calling is unknown here.
I ri la’nam-tor ish-veh.
That one is not here now.
I’zhu-tor ______. or I’nazhu-tor. ______.
Lit. _______ is hearing. / _______ is listening.
I’ki’zhu-tor nash-veh.Lit. I have now heard (you).
Sanu — (Oahm heh) Ro’fah’voh pa’ong if.
Lit. Please, ((Your) honorable name and) Inform about which matter?
Kesing dungi fun-tor lu.
Lit. When likely will return?
Sos kal-tor la’ya’akash tra’zhelesh n’skladan ha.
May I ask you to deliver a message?
Polite/Proper Scenarios (with direct address/direct contact number)
When answering (receiver of call)
I’zhu-tor. or I’nazhu-tor.
Ish-veh (A)_________. I’vutau (o~)__________(B).
This is (A)_______. I’m calling for _________ (B). The o~ is added if the caller needs to be polite.
Sanu — i’bek-tor’voh v’yak shoret veh.
Please wait a moment while one hails (him/her).
Sauyaing i ri la’nam-tor ish-veh.
Apparently he/she is not here now.
Kesing dungi fun-tor lu.
Lit. When likely will return?
Sos kal-tor la’ya’akash tra’zhelesh n’skladan ha.
May I ask you to deliver a message?
Ri la’nam-tor ish oyut. Sanu — isha mesta’voh ta’wak.
That is not the custom here. Please contact (us) again later.
or if the person called is present and answering…
La __________. Sanu — fator.
This is __________. Please go on (and explain why your are calling).
Casual/Familiar Scenarios (with direct address)
When answering (receiver of call)
I’zhu-tor. or I’nazhu-tor.
I’vutau (________(A)) (o~)__________(B).
(This is (A)_______.) I’m calling for _________ (B). The o~ is added if the caller needs to be polite.
Sanu — n’Oahm.
Your name, please.
Ri i’nam-tor or Ri la’i.
He/she is not here now.
La ish ahm t’rifainusu.
Lit. Here that (is) the name of a stranger.
Just a moment.
La __________. Ora.
This is ___________. What’s this about?
Sanu — n’oskladan
Please take a message.
(Message taker)
Nafai. I’fator.
OK. Go ahead.
– – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – –
Sample Dialogue. Spronn is being called by T’Lin at the SHOTEIV. An administrative assistant (golsu na’ekhart’es) answers the call.
Ish-veh T’Lin u’sashasolausu s’yel-hali Uzh-oT’Pau . I’vutau oSpronn.
This is T’Lin in exile from the Starship The New T’Pau calling for Spronn.
Na’shau n’odu — oT’Lin. Va’Pak t’odu isha. Sanu — i’bek-tor’voh v’yak shoret veh.
Greetings to you, T’Lin. Your loss is immeasurable. Please wait a moment while we try to locate him.
Tra wi ha — oT’Lin.
Are you still there, T’Lin?
Ha. La’i. Fator’voh.
Yes. Right here. Go ahead.
Vesht ro’fah veh ta i’yaretau n’Nel-Zup-Pi’shal t’Yel-Halitra t’Sahn-Frahnsihsko na’osuk’teretarun. Iwi-burun-mestaya t’odu ha. Ozhikaing la i’dang-provulau tra’mestau n’ish-veh u’kef-sarsatausu ha.
I am told that he is currently visiting Federation Headquarters in San Francisco for a big conference. Is your message critically urgent? Should I logically attempt to page him there now?
Rai. Ri akali-skladan ring. Sanu — veling ro’fah’voh ta vest vutal nash-veh heh tersau na’awek-skladantra t’oish-veh. Veling dang deik-tor n’ong na’otapan.
No. It’s not urgent at all. Please, just tell him that I called and put me through to his voice-mail. I should just file the matter for his consideration.
Nafai. Ein-vath-golan sos’eh.
Acknowledged. Perhaps some other assistance?
Ah’ Ha. Ki’vokal. Sos tumau n’torektra na’lof shating fator na’skladantra t’Osavensu Smarekh po’shataya t’skladan na’oSpronn ha.
Oh Yes. I’ve remembered. Could you queue the system to automatically go to the voice inbox for Professor Smarek after the message for Spronn is finished?
Ha. Veling.
Yes. Of course.
Thank you.
Goh sanoyaling. Dif-tor heh vetsau.
I’m pleased to do it. Live long and recover.
Odu kaing, Orishansu.
You too, Honorable Survivor.
What? No “it is agreeable to see you”? 😉
Even with all 12,000+ words, “agreeable” per se is not in there. How about °Sanokik ta snagel-tor n’odu° ? (Lit.: Pleasant to encounter you). I’ll have to add it.
Wa’itaren na’glantaya t’du.. Thanks so much for the observation!
I’m worried, o’Briht’uhn;
Poetry requires A LOT of adjectives or synonisms…but we must use at less two or more words for only one idea? Uhmmm… Language is so formal and full of feeling, in the same way. I luv it!!!!! -how Terran of me…-
And namasté.
Its quite lyrical almost musical.
What is the difference between wa’na’shau and na’shaya?
Wa’na’shau is a verb (na’shau) with an adverbial enclitic prefix that emphasizes the greeting (wa’), na’shaya is the noun form of that verb. You could use either. I prefer na’shau or wa’na’shau if the greeting is especially sincere (from a Vulcan) or “warm” (from a non-Vulcan).